Date Syrup

Date Syrup

Variety: Mixed Varieties
• Brix :
Carbohydrates : 68±5%
Protein : 1.1±10%
Fat : 0.25±10%
Fiber : 0.15±10%
Ash : 2.40±10%
PH :
Total Plate count Max : 500/g
Escherichia Coli : Neg./g
Salmonella : Neg./25g

Shigella : Neg./25g
Molds & Yeast : Negative
Coli forms :
Additives : None
Preservatives :

1. as ingredient for fruit juice making
2. as a spread just like jam or marmalade for breakfast
3. as a topping for desserts and ice cream
4. as a sweetener with fresh milk, various kinds of creams and sesame oil
5. as an ingredient in confectionary, chocolate, bread, baby food and soft drink industries
6. to producing high quality alcohol and vinegar
7. as a colorant for foods and drugs
8. for fermentative processing of high quality tobacco

- Retail packs upon ordering
- 25kg plastic barrels
- 280kg polyethylene barrels


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